Mihai Musatoiu

I am currently attending the Bachelor of Science program, with specialization in Software Engineering, at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) in Southern Sweden. BTH is ranked as number 5 in the world among the top institutions in the field of systems and software engineering by the "Journal of Systems and Software".

What I did in the past
I have a 7 years long experience in Romania as a communication specialist with an established background in publishing, media and advertising businesses. I currently provide consultancy to communication, writing and editing projects in Sweden, the U.S. and Japan.

More on my Linkedin page

Serviciul de neinformatii din Gara de Nord

In Romania, te astepti la orice, asa ca suni si intrebi pentru orice prostie ca sa nu iei teapa. De exemplu, suni la Gara de Nord sa intrebi de serviciul de pastrare bagaje, ce mai face el.

- Buna ziua, serviciul de pastrat bagaje mai functioneaza, da?
- Da.
- Cat costa pe ora?
- Nu stiu sa va spun.
- Se pot lasa bagajele peste noapte?
- Nu stiu sa va spun.

The old "veniti aici si vedeti"-way. I love Rumenia.