Mihai Musatoiu

I am currently attending the Bachelor of Science program, with specialization in Software Engineering, at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) in Southern Sweden. BTH is ranked as number 5 in the world among the top institutions in the field of systems and software engineering by the "Journal of Systems and Software".

What I did in the past
I have a 7 years long experience in Romania as a communication specialist with an established background in publishing, media and advertising businesses. I currently provide consultancy to communication, writing and editing projects in Sweden, the U.S. and Japan.

More on my Linkedin page

Ia-ti liber ca sa-ti faci abonament

Azi, prima zi dupa vacanta, cozi, nu gluma, la abonamente la metrou. Din alea cu asteptare de la 1 ora in sus. Mintea romanului cea de pe urma spune ca cel mai bine e sa lasi treaba pe ultima zi posibila. De ce sa-ti schimbi abonamentul pe 31, pe 1, 2 sau 3, si sa "pierzi" cateva zile platite degeaba, cum ar veni, cand poti sa ingrosi cozile pe 7, cand vine toata lumea din concediu?